“Totally blindsides” was the response from Ernie White when he was announced as the winner of the Te Toka Koru Award 2024 at LANZ’s Gisborne conference. “I’m still in imposter syndrome trying to process this.”

Practice Manager at Nolans in Gisborne, Ernie says that as the first practice manager to win the Te Toka Koru Award, he sees this as an acknowledgement on behalf of all the managers in the LANZ group.

The Te Toku Koru Award is given to acknowledge a LANZ member as being of sufficient personal standing that they are deserving of the group’s recognition and accolade.

“The role of a practice manager is very lonely. We be friends with the partners or directors. We can’t be friends with the staff. You can’t go home and discuss the day’s goings-on with your spouse or partner – it’s all too confidential,” admits Ernie.

“Our role also means we are making, or involved in, all the critical decisions in our firm. Everyone expects you to know everything and get it right. The expectations are high, it is impossible to achieve that.”

Ernie says that one of the strength and LANZ is that the practice managers are a tight group. “We can become friends. We can discuss work-related matters, in confidence of course, and we bounce ideas off each other. And we all know what it’s like to have your back up against the wall. So I dedicate this award to all practice managers.”

Congratulations Ernie, we are proud of you and all the group’s practice managers.

P.S. There is more background about the Te Toka Koru Award in LANZscape 006, Autumn 2024, page 6.